Recently we sent to the Levelling up Minister proposals for UK Councils to have 100% Recycling & Gasification plants, solar farms & Solar PV for homes and funding from the USA Exim Bank @ 1.5% interest rate, Standard Charter Bank – total project interest rate is 3.7%.
Neither Government or Councils are required to pay funding back & upto $200 million revenue for each Council over twenty-five years
Alset Power Company Inc work with Siemens on all our Waste plants
Full funding for UK Councils – Net Zero – Neither Government or Councils are required to pay funding back & upto $200 million revenue for each Council over twenty-five years
All Councils can now develop and own Waste Plants & Renewable Energy projects
Alset Power & Siemens
Municipalities and distribution system operators are shaping the future of power supply
Europe Zero Waste
We have the opportunity to change the world for the better. To create long-lasting impact and change that take us to a better world.
Our Solar Farm development programme
1.5 Degree C Consistent pathways are now important – ZERO Waste – ZERO Landfill. There is a job to be done so lets do it. Our project partners are Alset Power Company Inc (USA), Siemens & US EXIMBANK & Standard Charter Bank in London. We arrange project finance & EPC for Waste Gasification Plants & Renewable Energy projects. Renewable Energy is the key factor together with the Circular economy. CO2 & Climate Change offer Great Opportunity for a more Sustainable Development.